Cultivo Aeropônico / Hidropônico / Aquacultura em Sandaeroblocks, para produzir alimentos (vegetais e peixes), grafeno (Alga/CO2 ), água potável (degelo, filtragem, subsolo, ar, salina osmose/destilação térmica + minerais / nutrientes / defensivos), Hidrogênio/ Oxigênio (eletrólise), biocombustível (metanol, etanol e/ou biodiesel) e para autonomia completa de Construções Sandaeroblock, Energia Sandaeronet e Transporte Sandaeroship. General Genetic Animal-Plant Cellular Agriculture (food/material industry) mass/flexible production of meat, vegeatable, wood and composites.

Cellular and Molecular Agriculture, general genetic animal-plant (food/material industry) mass/flexible production of meat, vegeatable, wood and composites. Customized Individual Genetic Human
Cellular Medculture mass/flexible production (Health Industry). Immune/Stem Cell bank, Individual Universal Immunotherapy, 2D sheet gel tissues, 3D Organ Hydrogel Bioprinting, Permanent Life Paradigm, Protocol and Product. Cell based production of vitamins, minerals, lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes, hormones, Super Vaccine antigen loaded immune cellls/antibodies.

Aero-Farm Aeroponic/Hydroponic Farming with direct water spray/liquid, nutrients to the roots of plants and to animals as fish aquarium, insect farms or Life Fluid Incubating animals. E-growth of plants and animals grows faster by electric stimulation based on empirical evidence. Theoretical biological process probably involves stimulus to faster absorption of nutrients/bio-chemicals, providing energy directly to cellular metabolism, substituting and/or complementing bio-chemical energy via cell mitochondria nutrition and digestive system. There are 20 quadrillion ants on Earth weighing 12 million tons, more than all birds and non-human mammals combined. 6 million tons of protein, 50gr per 100gr, double than meat. Aero AntVacuum (sucks ants/anthill), AntFarm (ant culture) and AntPowder (protein powder mix).

Super-Food Super-Burger, Celular-Hamburger Animal-Vegetable cultivated in C-Food Cubic-Cell-Culture.
Solar Cells
Plant Growth
Green House Farming
SANDAEROFARM, indoor climate control Sandaeroblock (carbon/glass/metal/polymer composite and solar panel/film/glass container), multilevel aeroponic agriculture, fish/algae aquaculture, multilevel solar, wind, thermal and bio energy: Sandaeroblock (carbon/glass/metal/polymer composite and solar panel/film/glass container) applied to farming to become a Sandaerofarm and energy/sanitation Sandaeronet (solar-wind-bio-thermal energy and water): Indoor climate control, multilevel container stacking/pile-up/down (underground), aeroponic agriculture with water aerosol on roots as lettuce foliage fixed on a light biodegradable/recyclable composite/polymer/polystyrene, direct/indirect light, water stored on floor/ceiling/underground container, from natural water stream, piping, condensed from air or groundwater; solar-wind energy on roof of container and above cabled/anchored to container with buoyant units, including inflatable spheres with solar focusing on panel and multi altitude floating wind turbines (geo-solar thermal and bio algae/organic waste optional) with main east-west solar capture if multi-level. Lettuce for example is removed from aeroponic board and placed in water cup long lasting refrigerated bouquet consumed one leaf at a time. ZERO pesticides. Aeroponic is indoor with minimal use of water, multicrops 365 days year. Insects as grasshoppers, flies and ants are actually an additional source of culture and/or capture for sale or as input for fish aquaculture and/or plant organic fertilizer.
Hbat H2/H2O Battery
Aero-Campus/Aero-City: mobile/fixed H2/H2O solar-wind energy photo-electrolysis buoyancy Aero-Home-Office-Factory.

Aero-Farm: Aeroponic/Hydroponic Farming with direct water spray/liquid, nutrients to the roots of plants and to animals as fish aquarium, insect farms or Life Fluid Incubating animals.

E-growth: Plants/Animals/Cells can grow faster by electric stimulation based on empirical evidence. Theoretical biological process probably involves stimulus to faster absorption of nutrients/bio-chemicals, providing energy directly to cellular metabolism, substituting and/or complementing bio-chemical energy via cell mitochondria nutrition and digestive system.

Aero-Tree: Natural/Artificial conversion of CO2 to O2 (Oxygen) 2C(Graphene), control atmosphere temperature/composition.